KODAK TRENDSETTER 800 Platesetters are robust, reliable thermal platesetters that provide stability, easy maintenance and excellent imaging. Based on the same trusted technology that printers have depended on for over 12 years, the TRENDSETTER 800 Platesetter was recently updated with a smaller footprint, a more powerful thermal imaging head, new features, and the latest hardware and software.
KODAK SQUARESPOT Thermal Imaging Technology, standard on every TRENDSETTER Platesetter, delivers accuracy, stability, and repeatability for exceptional quality and lower operating costs.
The TRENDSETTER 800 Platesetter can be a key element to improving the Stability of your printing business, helping you achieve your quality, efficiency, profitability, and environmental goals.
Throughput at 2400 Maximum plate size:3
830 nm thermal imaging platesetter, semiautomatic, external drum
dpi1, 2 for plate size
1030 x 838 mm
(40.5 x 33 in.)Standard and Auto Unload:
S speed = 15 plates per hour
F speed = 22 plates per hour
V speed = 30 plates per hour
X speed = 34 plates per hourAutoloader:
S speed = 16 plates per hour
F speed = 24 plates per hour
V speed = 34 plates per hour
X speed = 42 plates per hour
Workflow connectivity
KODAK PRINERGY EVO Workflow, KODAK PRINERGY Workflow, and connection to third-party workflow systems
2400 dpi (94.4 dpmm) or 1200 dpi (47.2 dpmm)
TRENDSETTER 800 Platesetter:
250 lpi max linescreen
Optional: 25-micron KODAK STACCATO Screening
450 lpi max linescreen
20-micron KODAK STACCATO Screening
Optional: 10-micron KODAK STACCATO Screening
around drum x along drumStandard:
838 x 1143 mm
(33 x 45 in.)Auto Unload:
838 x 1118
(33 x 44 in.)Autoloader:
838 x 1118 mm
(33 x 44 in.)
Minimum plate size:3
around drum x along drum267 x 215 mm
(10.5 x 8.5 in.)398 x 270 mm
(15.7 x 10.6 in.)
Manual unload:
267 x 215 mm
(10.5 x 8.5 in.)398 x 270 mm
(15.7 x 10.6 in.)
Manual load and unload:
305 x 215 mm
(12 x 8.5 in.)
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1kg kiszerelés